So after yesterday and my dandelion foofing escapades, I fear that today's entry may lack a little luster. Literally nothing happened today that was remotely epiphanorial or whatever. I suppose everyday can't result in some kind of newfound awareness.
Though my go moment today happened at my new job, where I flexed my dormant Photoshop and Visio muscles – how EXCITING! Can't you just feel the buzz in the air. I know. No biggie, right? Well, for me it was. The one part about this job I was a wee bit skeptical about was the Photoshop skills. After today I'm tempted to bump up the Photoshop skill on my resume from Beginner to Intermediate.
WOW! It's almost like the calm before the storm. And may I add, I'm surprisingly adept at Visio too, for someone who just opened the software today.
Enough about nerdy computer skills.
So on the bus ride over and back home today, I continued reading Cathy Day's, Comeback Season, and I'm really enjoying it. Today somewhere around the 4th game of the Colts regular season, I pick up on Cathy's idea about how we all grow up envisioning our own “story” a little too romantically, with visions and dreams fed to us by movies, books and commercialism.
I literally stopped reading and looked out the window in thought. Now, what Cathy wrote about is something we all know about, but not consciously. I mean I read that paragraph and I agreed with it and recognized that everyone does it. But my epiphany happened when I realized, I knew, but I never acknowledged it or did anything about it. Like everyone else, I go day-by-day in an ignorant bliss thinking I am Tony Stark, I am Luke Skywalker, I am Captain Jack Sparrow.
But I'm not.
We're all plugged in to the American Dream Matrix, where we all own houses we probably don't need and definitely can't afford, where we think we need to purchase things, objects and services to survive, when we do not, and everything we want to do is completely out of our monetary means, yet we continue to do it.
I have two words: Tyler Durden.
Yeah, he blew up the major credit and financial headquarters in Delaware, but he had a bold vision. An America without possessions.
Maybe that's what we need a de-evolution.
To cap off this American Dream Matrix vibe, I had a little tub of JELL-O this afternoon. I loved JELL-O as a kid – especially the lime flavored JELL-O. So I sit down after mowing the lawn to enjoy some nice cool, lime JELL-O. God, I'm salivating just thinking about the burst of sweet lime in my mouth.
I love it when the spoon makes that JELL-Oey SPLORK sound when you scoop it out.
When it hits my tongue, I taste the lime, but the sweet is gone. Not like I remembered. So I flip over the little foil tab from the container.
Stupid Matrix.
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